n. 企鹅, 空军地勤人员
n. short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers
1. penguins, the only penguins found in the tropics.
企鹅 唯一定居热带的企鹅
2. Hey, you're a penguin, you can't eat a penguin.
你就是只企鹅 你可不能吃同类
3. Those penguins were super mean to the other penguins that didn't have eggs.
那些企鹅对其它那些 没有蛋的企鹅非常刻薄
4. Well, at least I think these are the southern lights, because here is a penguin, and we don't have penguins up here.
至少我觉得这些是南极光 因为这画了只企鹅 而北极这边没企鹅
5. Studying penguins under water has inspired the new technology that these flying penguins are testing.
对水下企鹅的研究 启发了这项正在实验中的飞行企鹅的新技术
6. We're space penguins, going where no penguin has gone before, upholding peace and order in the universe.
我们是太空企鹅 我们去到过从没有企鹅去过的地方 维护宇宙间的和平与秩序
7. I used $200 of my own money, from my own bank account, to adopt my own baby penguin from the penguin cam.
我从我自己的银行账户里拿了200美元 去企鹅直播领养了一只企鹅
8. I was watching a nature program the other night, and when a penguin gives a pebble to another penguin, it signifies a serious commitment.
我那天看了一个自然节目 如果一只企鹅把一颗鹅卵石 送给了另一只企鹅 这代表着郑重承诺
9. Unforgiving if you're a penguin, that is.
至少对企鹅来说 这已经算是高温了
10. You, no, all you penguins look the same.
你们吗 不 你们企鹅都一个样