n. 动力学
[化] 动理学; 动力学
n the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies
1. I've written an essay on kinetic theory.
2. You're kidding me. I didn't invent kinetic energy.
开什么玩笑 动能又不是我发明的
3. Can't have anything too kinetic in a populated area.
4. The more important kinetic energy is gonna generate.
5. You've been taking bullets, charging it up with kinetic energy.
你挨了好多子弹 战衣积蓄了不少动能
6. In the end, it's a kinetic op, just like any other.
归根结底 这是重要行动 跟其他行动一样
7. Cortexiphan has given you certain kinetic powers.
8. So if we want more kinetic energy, what we need to do is increase the velocity.
因此 如果我们希望有更多动能 我们需要做的就是加快速度
9. If you go to war in space, then it becomes a kinetic war.
如果进行太空战 那就是动力的战争
10. Kinetic energy depends on two things, mass and velocity.
动能取决于两个因素 质量和速度