n. 美好, 准确, 精密, 拘泥细节, 纤细
n conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety
n a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
1. But these niceties are conditional, and the conditions are nonnegotiable.
但这份礼貌是有条件的 而且是不可商量的条件
2. She's been asked out so much, she doesn't bother with niceties.
太多人追她了 她都不在乎细节了
3. Start talking. I don't have time for niceties.
4. Forgiveness isn't just a nicety to me, it's my life.
宽恕在我看来不仅是美德 也是我的生命
5. Are simply lonely and lacking in social niceties.
只不过是孤独 和缺乏社交能力罢了
6. Thank the lieutenant, who grossly mishandled the legal niceties.
你該謝這位副隊長 多虧了他各種糟蹋法律
7. Well, war doesn't provide too many opportunities for niceties.
8. Well, then today's my social niceties cheat day.
好吧 那今天就是我的社交不得体日
9. It delights you to thumb your nose at society, because you consider yourself above the niceties by which it operates.
对这个圈子嗤之以鼻让你愉快 因为你不屑于 上层社会的种种繁文缛节
10. True, but I also know you're not always as adept at social niceties as you are with equations.
没错 但我也知道你对应酬 不像对方程式那样得心应手