n. 协奏曲
n. a composition for orchestra and a soloist
1. The mages played the melody, but I wrote the concerto.
但魔法师不过是照本宣科 我却是创造者
2. He wrote his first concerto when he was four and then selfpublished a magazine that gave it a rave review.
他四岁那年写出他第一首协奏曲 然后自行出版了一本杂志 给那首曲子极高好评
3. And I shit you not, if this thing heard a piano concerto, he could spit it back at you note by note perfectly.
我不是和你开玩笑 如果它听了一场钢琴演奏会 它可以完完整整重复你的音符