a. 晒黑的, 有晒斑的, 日炙的
s. suffering from overexposure to direct sunlight
1. That would explain your client's sunburn, too.
2. always weirdly sunburned, even in the winter.
总是古怪地晒伤 即使在冬天
3. That goal light's gonna give you a sunburn.
4. Yeah, I guess they found some sunburned dolphin.
是的 我想他们找到了一些晒伤的海豚
5. That was the flirting equivalent of a papercut on my sunburned dick.
那种调情就等同于 被纸割伤我晒伤的老二
6. There's already a deal in place for that... sunburned dolphin.
7. Your father would return to us with rare gifts and a sunburn.
令尊总是晒得黢黑 带着珍奇的礼物回来
8. And endless boredom, sunburn, bugs the size of helicopters.
还有无止境的无聊 晒伤和直升机那么大的虫子
9. like a sunburn, making it visible under these conditions and these conditions only.
类似于晒斑 所以有且只有在这种条件下 墨水才会显形
10. Even a bad sunburn could produce a similar reaction.