n. 中产阶级, 资产阶级
n the social class between the lower and upper classes
1. Those are concerns for the petite bourgeoisie.
2. You must be happy now that you're bourgeoisie.
3. Hey, look, I know all about bourgeoisie cliches.
4. And nothing brings out the bourgeoisie quite like opening night at the theater.
没什么比剧院首演之夜 更能让资产阶级出动了
5. By the institutions and the ideology of the bourgeoisie, we only ask for compassion, for a fair share of the fruits of our labors.
根據學術和中產階級的 意識形態分析 我們只是尋求同情 只想公平地分享我們的勞動果實
6. He started out as a stonemason, then a schoolteacher, before transforming himself into a thug philosopher advocating the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie.
起先靠当石匠谋生 后来又当上了教师 之后摇身一变 开始信奉暴力哲学 主张用暴力 资产阶级
7. The old lion still roaring, still trying to provoke, to be relevant, stick it to the bourgeoisie, it doesn't scan.
老狮子仍咆哮着 试着挑衅它 沾上光 好让它牢牢地禁锢在资产阶级的身边 它从不细看
8. each carcass was divided: prime cuts went to nobility, second to the clergy, third to the bourgeoisie and fourth to the army.
每一具尸体都被分配如下 优质肉分给贵族 次优肉分给神职人员 三等肉分给中产阶级 四等肉分给军队