n. 住所, 住处
n any address at which you dwell more than temporarily
n housing that someone is living in
v dwell
v put up with something or somebody unpleasant
1. Perhaps we should retire to our abode.
2. Your abode has a very "june cleaver" vibe to it.
3. He cannot enter an abode without an invitation.
4. You know, we don't all grow up in royal abodes.
5. Coming to you live from my humble abode.
6. For I am bringing the desert climate to our midatlantic abode.
因为我正试图将我们位于 大西洋中部地区的住所改造成沙漠气候
7. Uh, actually, uh... it's my humble abode.
事实上 这是在下的寒舍
8. Oh, welcome, welcome, sir, to my humble abode.
欢迎先生 欢迎来到寒舍
9. A vampire may not enter any abode unless invited in.
未获得邀请的话 吸血鬼不能进入任何住所
10. Her family has no nationality, no fixed abode and almost no money, but the ocean provides everything they need.
她的家庭没有国籍 没有固定的停留之处 也几乎一穷二白 但海洋给了他们所需的一切