a. 专注的, 献身的
a. devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose
1. Embracing a new era of transparency, honesty and justice, this country deserves a president who has dedicated herself to those ideals in this court and many others, who has spent her entire life defending the law, and who now wants to dedicate herself to enforcing it.
迎接一个透明 真诚 正义的新时代 这个国家需要一位曾在全美诸多法庭里 为这个理想献身的总统 一位毕生都在捍卫法律的总统 一位如今想投入法律执行的总统
2. he dedicates himself to everyone but himself.
他不顾自己 全身心为我们每一个人
3. most of these battles are dedicated to him.
4. That's how dedicated I am to my craft.
5. dedicated himself to your cause because he loved you.
为你付出了一切 因为他爱你
6. I've dedicated my life to our cause.
7. Let's dedicate this trip to figuring that out.
8. I understand, and your dedication is admirable.
我理解 你的奉献精神令人钦佩
9. I have dedicated my life to his casino, to him.
10. I dedicated it to the men who had been so supportive.