n. 提升, 提高, 得意洋洋
[医] [异常]兴奋, 激越
n. the location of a planet in the zodiac at which it is believed to exert its maximum influence
n. a flock of larks (especially a flock of larks in flight overhead)
1. And so you should a man in your exalted position.
您确实应该 像您这样尊贵之人
2. ...exalted in its own house for a few brief moments.
3. Exalting their dignity by showing a little of it ourselves.
我们自己有点尊严 以示对他们的尊重
4. To exalt her memory with battles and victories.
5. I don't, you know, I avoid exalted titles because that's the assumption.
我不这么想 我不喜欢那些称谓 因为都是凭空臆想的
6. We should on the other hand exalt in the crimes of others, and in our own nobility in opposing them.
相反我们会强调他人的罪行 通过批判他们来占领道德制高点
7. An exalted sacred space, a marvellous monastic cell.
高贵而神圣 采用了修道院式的天花板
8. There are not many who dare chastise my self‐exalted sibling.
没有多少人 敢指责我自我抬举的兄弟
9. We of less exalted stock would do well to follow his example.
我们这些不如他的人 该以他为榜样
10. You will forsake all others, lift me up, and exalt me for all eternity.
你要抛弃其他人 只扶持我 永远崇拜我