n. 反响, 混响, 反射
[电] 交混回响
n the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves
n a remote or indirect consequence of some action
1. It seems like her reverberations are endless.
2. When you hear it underwater, it kind of reverberates through your chest.
当你在水下听到时 这声音在你胸口回响
3. The pain of his loss reverberates throughout this congregation.
他失去亲人的悲痛 回荡在这座教堂里
4. can reverberate well outside the walls of any prison.
5. What we decide today will reverberate through the annals of history.
我们今天的决定 必然影响深远
6. Today we continue our study of the physics of acoustical reverberation.
我们今天继续学习 声学混响物理
7. You know, and the world is reverberating back and forth and I hit the frequency and I start to dance to it.
你知道 它仿佛在周围的世界反复回响 我常常合着节拍并开始随之起舞
8. It'll be like this for about an hour in your mind, reverberating back and forth between what you actually look like and the avatar.
这样的情况会在你脑中持续大约一小时 来来回回反射 你实际的样子和化身的样子
9. And while the arrival of an antidote is certainly welcome news, the death and the destruction the virus left in its wake will no doubt reverberate through the city for years to come.
虽然解药的到来 是个好消息 但病毒所制造的死亡和破坏 无疑会在接下来数年里 影响哥谭
10. Now the acoustics in here are quite reverberant and this computer has been built to work in the home, and so what I'm going to do is just step outside where there's a lovely carpet and it's a little bit more like being in someone's living room.
这里的音响系统回音太大 而这台电脑是为家庭使用设计的 所以我要做的就是 走到外面 那里有块可爱的地毯 更像是在某个客厅里面