当前位置: 知识学习 > hormonal怎么读,hormonal是什么意思,hormonal的用法和例句


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-01
  • 发布时间:2024-11-28 21:34:56

音标: 英 [hɔ:'məʊnl] 美 [hɔ:'moʊnl]

a. 荷尔蒙的
[医] 激素的

a. of or relating to or caused by hormones


1. Like, men call women hormonal as if men don't have hormones.

男人說女人荷爾蒙失調 就好像男人沒有荷爾蒙似的

2. They lower the cortisol, which is the stress hormone, and they boost the oxytocin, which is the love hormone.

这里可以降低皮质醇的水平 一种应激激素 同时会提高催产素的水平 这恰好是爱情激素

3. Tumors are very sensitive to hormone levels which is one of the body's main stress hormones.

肿瘤对体内激素水平很敏感 也就是一种人体主要的应激激素

4. It's very difficult when you are a teenager to know whether the emotions you are experiencing are your own, because of your naturally fluctuating hormones, or as a result of the synthetic hormones in the pill that you're taking.

当你还是青少年时 很难分辨 你所经历的这些情绪是由青春期 荷尔蒙的自然波动导致 还是由正在服用的药物中 所含合成激素造成

5. Having convinced me that hormones shape our appetite, he now believes that one particular kind of surgery can fundamentally change the levels of these hormones.

他已经说服我 是激素掌控着我们的食欲 如今 他坚信有一种特别的手术 能从根本上改变这些激素水平

6. Which is really interesting because not knowing about this hormone, what I expected was that you would tell me that someone who was overweight had a much, much stronger hunger hormone than I do but in fact what you're saying is that that's not the case.

有趣的是 在不了解这种激素之前 我以为你会告诉我 那些肥胖者体内的 饥饿激素水平比我高很多 但事实并不是这样的

7. You're right and we were surprised until we looked at the fullness hormones and suddenly it started making sense because what you would see in somebody that is overweight, their fullness hormone only rises a all amount and then comes down again.

你说得对 我们当时也很吃惊 直到注意到饱腹激素的变化 这一下就能说通了 因为在肥胖者体内 饱腹激素只会小幅度上升 接着又开始下降

8. The combined oral contraceptive pill essentially gives higher doses of the female sex hormones and different types of hormones, but clearly the progestogens can result in an activation of the blood clotting system.

复方口服避孕药 本质上是输入更高剂量的雌性激素 以及各种激素 但很显然孕激素 会造成血栓系统异常活跃

9. Shit, what is this? It's the hormones.

妈的 这是怎么回事 是因为荷尔蒙

10. I get it. I was flipped out on hormones.

我知道 荷尔蒙失调弄得我都要疯了

