vt. 统治, 威压, 打败, 驳回
[法] 否决, 驳回, 批驳
v. rule against
1. I do not have the authority to overrule his decision.
我没有权利去 他的决定
2. I'm gonna overrule that because that's not a thing.
驳回 因为根本不知道你在说什么
3. If he has intelligence, I can't just overrule him.
他要是真有情报 我没办法越权
4. I have no idea where this is going, but overruled.
我不知道这有什么用意 但是反对无效
5. I'd like to get back to it, so overruled.
想早点结束 因此 反对无效
6. I actually argued for him to stay here, but was overruled.
我其实还争取过让他留在这里 但被驳回了
7. I disagreed with the original asses ent. I was overruled.
我也不同意最初的判断 但被否决了
8. overruled. I'd like to hear his answer on this.
驳回 我想听听他的回答
9. We have good evidence, and it is being overruled willynilly.
我们有充分的证据 但却被随意地裁定为无效了
10. I want to sustain or overrule, but it's indecipherable.
我想要判定是否有效 但完全无法理解