(edwarde 的复数) [人名] 爱德华
plural of edwarde
1. Edward, it has everything to do with her.
爱德华 这一切都是因为她
2. Edward, you're the first to measure up.
爱德华 你是第一个能跟他们相提并论的
3. Edward, where are your clothes?! I'm hot.
爱德华 你怎么没穿大衣 我觉得热
4. Edward and I had no choice but to burn it.
愛德華和我別無選擇 只好焚毀它
5. Edward was far too important to notice me.
爱德华可是大人物 根本注意不到我
6. Edward, your welfare is our direct concern.
愛德華 我們擔心的是你的健康
7. Edwards, I wish I could tell you there was, but it wouldn't serve you... or them.
爱德华兹 我也希望我能告诉你有办法 但这么说对你 或他们没有任何帮助
8. Edwards might be thinking the same thing.
9. Edward, it's got your deposit slip on it.
爱德华 这是你的存款单
10. Edward did his accounts, it's how the two were acquainted.
爱德华替他管账 他们就是这样认识的