n. 贪心, 贪婪
n extreme greed for material wealth
1. Cupid himself could not have aimed more true.
2. And so is the little cupid from the mantelshelf.
3. Cupid was weird, he was a naked baby.
丘比特很奇怪 他是个光着的婴儿
4. It's a good pain... the pain of cupid's arrow.
那种痛很美好 就像被丘比特之箭射伤
5. When you're all alone, cupid kind of looks like a creepy dude in a diaper.
你一个人时 丘比特看起来像是个穿尿布的
6. By the way, I think I know what happened to the cupid from the drawing room, milady.
对了 我可能知道客厅的丘比特 是去哪了 小姐
7. With apologies to the bard, pray borrow cupid's wings, soar with them above to this our common bed.
对那吟游诗人道歉 只愿借爱神一双翅膀 展翅飞到我们的连理床