集群性; 簇聚性
n. the quality of being gregarious--having a dislike of being alone
1. Street photographers tend to be gregarious in the sense that they can go out on the street, and they're comfortable being among people, but they're also a funny mixture of solitaries at the same time as being gregarious.
要走出门外来到街头 街头摄影师都比较合群 在人群中他们会感觉自在 但他们又是孤独的 有趣的孤独与合群混合体
2. He was gregarious and he also went to entertain kids etc. as a clown.
他社交甚广 还扮成小丑逗孩子们玩
3. I've got a deep interest in how society is increasingly favouring the extrovert the person who is happy to be gregarious and go to all of the meetings, and presenting all the time over the introvert who has to make a lot of effort to fit into that society.
我对社会是如何越来越偏好外向者 而不是内向者有着浓厚的兴趣 外向者爱好社交 乐意参加所有会议 愿意时刻展示自己 而内向者必须要 做出很大努力才能融入社会
4. That the bottomless and aimless hostility which makes our cities among the most dangerous in the world is created and felt by a handful of aberrants, that the lack, yawning everywhere in this country, of passionate conviction, of personal authority, proves only our rather appealing tendency to be gregarious and democratic.
坚信令我们的城市成为世界上 最危险地方的那种无底的 莫名的敌意 只被少许异类产生和感知 坚信这个国家四处弥漫的 强烈信念的缺失 个 威的缺失 只说明我们有强烈的倾向变得合群 和