a. 能动的, 运动表象型的
n. 运动表象型
n. one whose prevailing mental imagery takes the form of inner feelings of action
s. (of spores or microorganisms) capable of movement
1. That could be affecting your motility and concentration.
那可能会影响您的 活力与浓度
2. Water itself isn't motile, but it has some sort of persistence.
水自身不會動 但卻有一定的持久性
3. Your motility and concentration scores are through the roof.
你的 的活力和浓度值 高到爆表
4. In fact, you had only one motile sperm.
实际上 你只有一个活动
5. They're not dead, they're still alive, they're just not motile.
它们并没有死 仍然具有活性 它们只是失去了运动能力
6. Uh, yes, there is the possibility of adhesions, motility issues.
是的 有可能引起粘连 胃肠动力问题
7. My last sperm test revealed I had historic motility.
我的上一次 测试显示很有活力的啊
8. It showed that you have a low sperm count and low motility.
结果显示你的 数量和活力都很低
9. II'm afraid your motility score, which is the percentage of sperm that are moving, is very low.
你的活力评分 也就是移动中的 百分比 非常低
10. I can tell. I ain't got kids, but I can feel them, my little tadpoles being all motile.
我就知道 我虽然没孩子 但我能感觉 我的小蝌蚪都很有活力