n. 工资, 报应, 报偿
vt. 开展, 进行
vi. 进行
n. something that remunerates
1. To wage the war that must be waged to finally win this thing.
为了赢这场仗 我们要挑起必须挑起的战争
2. Unilever told us that in practice, over a monthly period, their plantation workers receive a basic wage more than double that rate but these women insisted that they can't always pick enough to get the basic wage.
联合利华公司告诉我们 茶园工人每个月 能挣到两倍于此的基本工资 但这些女工坚称 她们并非总能采到足够的茶以领到基本工资
3. And I'm not working for those wages.
4. If there's no wages, there's no food on the table.
如果没有工资 也就没有吃的
5. I have to turn down their wage demands.
6. The wages of sin don't earn themselves.
7. I was at my work, waiting on my wages.
我当时在工作 在等我的薪水
8. This is a fight I'll wage alone if I have to.
这场战斗 我哪怕一个人也要打
9. You work for me. I'll pay you a decent wage.
你为我工作 我会给你体面的工资
10. They're not even paying me the living wage.