n. 妥协, 折中, 折中方案, 和解
vi. 妥协处理
vt. 危害
n. a middle way between two extremes
n. an accommodation in which both sides make concessions
v. make a compromise; arrive at a compromise; we all must compromise"
v. settle by concession
1. You're not only compromising this investigation, you're compromising me.
你不仅破坏了这个调查 你还把我拖下了水
2. compromise her, and you are no longer compromised.
抓到她的把柄 这样你就没有把柄在人家手里了
3. You compromised the one person you can't compromise, and you did it willingly.
你辜负了你唯一不该辜负的人 而且你是明知故犯
4. I only did that because you were compromised.
5. I don't want to compromise, and relationships take a lot of compromise.
我不想妥协 可感情需要很多妥协
6. But I cannot do it if you're compromising me.
7. Yeah, I'm happy to compromise with you. I'm just not about to compromise with your dad.
是 我是心甘情愿为了你作出让步 但不代表我要向 妥协
8. That means that you are compromised, and if you're compromised, then it's only a matter of time before your trail leads to me.
这意味着你已经暴露了 如果你暴露了 那他追踪到我就只是时间问题了
9. These guys have been compromising and compromising all week so we could host a debate that made some sense and did some good.
这些人一周以来不断妥协 只为了做出一档有意义的辩论会
10. But when one of those locations was compromised, the value of all those locations were compromised and this obviously affects the price.
但现在 有一处场子位置被泄露 其余场地的价值也受到了波及 这当然会影响价格