a. 完成的, 完结的, 精巧的, 完美的
a. (of materials or goods) brought to the desired final state
a. ended or brought to an end
s. (of skills or the products of skills) brought to or having the greatest excellence; perfected
s. having a surface coating or finish applied
1. That was the finishing, but not the finishing he sought.
是这了结了他 但这不是他想要的了结
2. I finished that recently. I finished it, too.
我刚看完 我也看完了
3. It's finished. It's all finished between us.
结束了 我们已经结束了
4. Sue, if you don't finish... I'm gonna finish it.
苏 如果你完不成... 我会完成的
5. Either we finish them or they'll finish us.
我们不消灭它们 就会被它们消灭
6. And what if the job ain't finished? It's finished.
但如果活儿还没结束呢 已经结束了
7. What if the job ain't finished? It's finished.
但如果活儿还没结束呢 已经结束了
8. I finished it. I finished the whole thing.
我写完了 我写完了整篇小说
9. I'll finish the business I have to finish inside here.
10. You and me, we're not finished here.
你我之间 我们的帐还没算完