a. 免税的, 未完税的, 不负担过重的
s (of goods or funds) not taxed
1. the only times that I feel truly safe in this castle, untaxed, unworried and... peaceful as this lucky child here, is when I'm with you.
在这城堡里 我感到真正安全的时刻 感到无忧无虑的平静的时刻 像这好运的孩子一样的时刻 都是和你在一起的时候
2. While you sit here and dream about perfect nordic teeth, hundreds of millions of incredibly untaxed dollars are being spent on bolita, numbers, cards, and sport book.
当你坐在这儿 幻想北欧女神的朱唇齿白时 有着成百上千万的黑钱 流通在轮盘 牌九 和赌球里