n. 浪费, 挥霍, 耗费
n the trait of wasting resources
n useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly
1. More waste goes into landfill from construction and demolition than the entirety of municipal waste, household waste.
建造和清拆建筑 产生的垃圾远多于 城市废料加上生活垃圾
2. Talk about wasting your time, you are wasting it in here.
还说浪费时间呢 你在这就是浪费时间
3. But by wasting my time, you've wasted my goodwill.
但你浪费了我的时间 也浪费了我的信任
4. It's a waste of my money, waste of her time.
浪费了我的钱 浪费了她的时间
5. That you have talent to waste and you believe it is being wasted.
相信你有才华去挥霍 而且你也认为这是在浪费自己的才华
6. You don't waste my time, I don't waste your time.
别浪费我的时间 我也不想浪费你的时间
7. You know, that the waste is here because the government isn't putting enough funding into proper waste management, but they're distracting from the truth, which is that there is no way you can manage this waste.
宣稱說 這一切都是因爲 政府沒有把足夠的基金 用在正規垃圾管理上 他們一直在掩蓋事實 掩蓋人們明明可以爲此出一份力的事實
8. You want to waste your time, waste your time.
你想浪费你的时间 那就浪费吧
9. You guys are wasting, wasting square footage.
真是浪费 你们真是浪费空间
10. I no longer have time to be wasted nor do I intend on wasting yours.
我没有多少时间可以浪费 我也不打算浪费你们的时间