adv. 建筑(学)上, 有一定结构地
r. with regard to architecture
1. While just the tip of the architectural iceberg, these are handy indicators, helping us identify the three main architectural orders, or styles.
虽然只是希腊建筑艺术中的冰山一角 但却是非常容易辨识的标志 能帮助我们分清三种主要的建筑风格
2. This is a story of architecture through humanity.
3. But on the outskirts is an architectural glory.
但在市郊 伫立着一栋建筑学的杰作
4. And it's home to what is, for me, an architectural bible.
对我而言 这里是"建筑圣经"的所在地
5. This is a stunning feat of architecture.
6. The basic architecture is what I can't find.
7. You went over there to shut them down, not do architecture with them.
你过去是让他们停工的 不是一起工作
8. Rome has all the architecture and the history.
罗马建筑宏伟 历史悠久
9. A sculpture so large that it's a work of architecture.
10. I don't know much about architecture, but this can't be good.
我对建筑学不太了解 但我知道这不是好事