n. 朝鲜人, 朝鲜语
a. 朝鲜人的, 朝鲜语的
n. a native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language
n. the Altaic language spoken by Koreans
a. of or relating to or characteristic of Korea or its people or language
1. Korean to white ratio is very promising.
2. Uh, little bit Korean, little bit not.
一点韩国特色 一点别的
3. Because right next to that is a Korean foot massage place.
4. Korean galbi, tteok in a red chili sauce, and crème brûlée.
做的是韩国烤肉 辣椒酱配年糕 以及焦糖布丁
5. My grandpa told me this old Korean superstition about chicken wings and how they make you fly away.
我爷爷跟我说了一个关于鸡翅的韩国迷信 说吃鸡翅会让你离我而去
6. If you're gonna send your little redheaded minion out there under the hot lights, at least give her some ammo that's not from before the Korean war.
你要是想派你那个红头发手下 上电视 至少别给她 朝鲜战争时候的武器