vt. 使过量预订;超额订出
1. I'm overbooked and, I I have a full house.
超额预订了 现在旅馆客满
2. The resort's only halfdone, so all the hotels are overbooked.
其實只完工了一半 所以房間都預訂滿了
3. Suffice it to say, we might have overbooked.
毫不夸张地说 我们的安排已经超额了
4. I'm sorry, I am overbooked and I need the space.
抱歉 订房的人太多了我需要利用这里
5. Uh, everyone has a reservation, but we're overbooked.
人人都说自己订了房 但我们酒店超额预订了
6. The plane is overbooked, yet the seat in my heart remains vacant.
飞机超额预订了 但我心中的位置依旧空空如也
7. I'm overbooked which means tomorrow, people are going to show up and I'm going to have to throw them out on the street.
我的房间超订了 这意味着明天 人们接踵而至 而我只能把他们请走