n. 嗜好, 癖好, 爱好
n. a child's plaything consisting of an imitation horse mounted on rockers; the child straddles it and pretends to ride
n. small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds
1. No, he doesn't need a hobby because his job is his hobby.
他根本不需要爱好 因为他的工作就是他的爱好
2. You need to find a hobby for a kid your age, a hobby that's real.
你得找到適合你這年紀的愛好 真正的愛好
3. Okay, let's get the hobby ball rolling with the greatest hobby of them all music.
我们开始培养爱好吧 爱好中最伟大的爱好 音乐
4. When I was your age, this was my hobby.
我像你這么大時 這是我的愛好
5. And, um...that's about it for my hobbies.
6. I don't have to be a comedian. It's a hobby.
我不一定要当喜剧演员 那是爱好
7. It's the same as pursuing any other hobby.
说起来 这就像是多了个兴趣爱好
8. But this isn't a business. It's a hobby.
但这不是生意 只是兴趣爱好而已
9. Time to end this hobby once and for all.
到了终结这项爱好的时候了 一劳永逸
10. Yes, I'm I'm not into the hobby anymore.
是的 我已经不再爱好这个了