n. 汗, 汗水, 水珠, 焦急
vi. 出汗, 渗出, 冒出水气, 结水珠, 烦恼, 懊恼
vt. 使出汗, 流出, 榨出, 使汗流浃背
n. condensation of moisture on a cold surface
v. excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin
1. He was sweating? I was sweating because he's my role model.
他冒汗 我才冒汗呢 他可是我的楷模
2. It looks like sweat because it is sweat.
3. You're not sweating because you're hot, you're sweating fear.
但不是因为你热 而是恐惧
4. I'm sweating in places I didn't even know that sweated.
5. II mean, I'm sweating. I never sweat.
我都出汗了 可我从不出汗
6. I want to see you sweat. I want to ell that sweat.
我要你们出汗 要闻到汗味
7. Are, or you wouldn't be sweating it out.
现在也是 不然你不会这么煎熬
8. This guy's sweating, and the sweat from his hands is getting into that soil.
這傢伙大汗不止 手上的汗液開始滲進泥土
9. Well, all it took was a little blood, sweat, and, uh, more sweat.
只需要一点血一点汗 再多点汗
10. When we sweat, our sweat won't evaporate, which means we won't be losing weight from losing the moisture.
当我们出汗时 汗液就不会蒸发 这意味着我们不会因水分丢失而减轻体重