n. 互相依赖
n a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups)
1. The trees and their inhabitants are interdependent.
2. Ntu is the essence of purer life which celebrates our interdependence.
"恩圖"是更純粹生活的精華 它贊頌了我們的相互依賴性
3. I thought it offered real insight on the interdependence of identity by rejecting the standard male narratives of sovereignty.
我觉得它很好地表达了 身份的相互依赖性 而没有采取常规的男主视角
4. Sir, I cannot award you domestic partnership status unless you have proof that you are and have been financially and emotionally interdependent partners for over a year.
先生 除非你能证明你们两个 在经济与感情上相互依存至少一年 否则我是不会给你 同居伴侣关系认证的