[医] 憩室炎
n. inflammation of a diverticulum in the digestive tract (especially the colon); characterized by painful abdominal cramping and fever and constipation
1. but I don't believe we're looking at diverticulitis.
2. diverticulitis, like I had, that's not a picnic.
憩室炎 我得过那个 真不好受
3. Well, there's diverticulitis and then there's human sexuality.
那是大家早就知道憩室炎了 可大家对性方面的事没那么了解
4. ...diverticulitis is suspected, sigmoidoscopy and a bariumenema xray should be performed.
...怀疑可能是憩室炎 所以应进行乙状结肠镜检查和钡剂灌肠射线检查
5. Stomach pains, plus seeds or nuts, could be diverticulitis.
胃痛 加上种子或坚果 可能是憩室炎
6. It's a minor bowel resection for diverticulitis eight months ago.
八个月前因为憩室炎做了个 小小的肠切除手术
7. Well, shortness of breath isn't usually a symptom of diverticulitis, so I need to see what's going on with that.
憩室炎一般不会引发呼吸困难 所以我需要调查一下是什么原因
8. A middleaged guy, diagnosed with diverticulitis, you know, but inconsistencies in his labs and a sudden chylothorax tells me it's not.
一名中年男子 被诊断为憩室炎 但他的化验结果与之矛盾 并且突发乳糜胸 让我觉得并不是