n. 郡
n. a former administrative district of England; equivalent to a county
n. British breed of large heavy draft horse
1. The shire's castle is on the northern bend.
2. It cannot be the shire's men who take on this task.
3. We all share the burden to protect the shire.
4. With the task of finding out what your need is with this shire.
我们的任务是探究 你对这个郡到底有什么需求
5. And don't ever come back here, not anywhere in this shire.
别再回来了 也别留在这个郡
6. These larger rivers do not flow deep enough into the shire.
7. The shire would earn a tariff on all goods coming and going.
8. You'll find that nothing passes through this shire without me touching it.
你会发现全郡的大小事宜 没有一件能逃过我的法眼
9. Again, I will dropkick your babypowdered ass back to the shire with the other hobbits.
姐就要把你那擦了爽身粉的屁屁 给踢回去 跟其他哈比人团聚
10. You are aware that giving birth to a pillow neither serves the shire nor yourself.
您应该清楚 生下一个枕头 对这个郡和你自己都很不利