n. 气味, 臭气, 香气, 味道, 迹象, 名誉, 声誉
[医] 气味
n the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form
n any property detected by the olfactory system
1. It's only when you cook it that the odours are released.
鱼肉做熟后 气味才会释放出来
2. Sounds and colours are more vivid, odours more intense.
声音和颜色更鲜活 气味更强烈
3. They must be emitting some really noxious odour.
4. Derma is hairless, grey with an elephantine texture, with no odour.
皮肤呈灰色 纹理粗糙 没有体味
5. ..so foul plague odours can get into your body.
6. They wore cologne, too much of everything, but it could not disguise the odour.
他们喷了古龙水 喷得非常多 但也掩盖不了那股臭味
7. You can only catch things that will work with the odours you have the receptor for.
你只能捕捉你的感受器 可以感知到的气味
8. And his sense of ell is capable of distinguishing between a billion different odours.
它的嗅觉可以分辨出 10亿种不同的气味
9. Endorphins release an odour, palms sweat and the ultimate tell the slightest blink of an eye.
内啡肽散发的一种气味 掌心出汗 最终的破绽是 最轻微的眨眼
10. After the body has been salted and stuffed with straw to prevent bad odours, it will be put on display until somebody identifies it.
尸体经过腌制 填草 以防腐烂 然后陈列起来直至有人认出身份