当前位置: 知识学习 > unbuttoned怎么读,unbuttoned是什么意思,unbuttoned的用法和例句


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-01
  • 发布时间:2024-11-28 02:31:02

音标: 英 [ˌʌnˈbʌtnd] 美 [ʌnˈbʌtnd]

a. 钮扣解开的, 无钮扣的, (喻)放松的, 不拘束的, 无约束的
[法] 无约束的, 放纵的, 肆意的肆无忌惮的

a. not buttoned
s. not under constraint in action or expression


1. No, I'm jealous that you have pants to unbutton.

懂 我只是嫉妒你还有裤子可以解开

2. Or unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants.

或者该说解开我的皮带 然后再解开我的裤子

3. Maybe, uh maybe he unbuttons his shirt.

也许 那些他宽衣解带的镜头

4. You couldn't finish it, so you pushed it over to me and said you had to unbutton your pants.

你吃不完了才推给我 然后说你必须把裤子纽扣解了

5. How about you unbutton your shirt so I can take a listen.

请解开你的衬衫 我用听诊器听一下

6. I was still chatting when she started unbuttoning her jeans.

她开始解牛仔裤的扣子了 我还在跟她说话

7. The unbuttoned shirt, the cologne, the praising of her pedestrian performance.

紐扣打開了幾顆 噴了香水 還贊美她剛才那乏味的表演

8. I was sleeping in the car, and I unbuttoned myself, like a normal fat person.

我在车上睡觉 我解开了裤子 普通胖子都会这样做

9. She caught me with my pants unbuttoned, and now she thinks I'm a molester or something.

她逮到我没扣好裤子 现在她以为我是性

10. Underneath, he is wearing a blue and white striped shirt that's been unbuttoned all the way down to his navel.

里面穿着的是 一件蓝白条纹的衬衫 衬衫的扣子一直开到死者的肚脐处

