n. 期刊
a. 定期出版的, (有关)期刊的, 间歇(性的), 周期的, 定期的
n. a publication that appears at fixed intervals
1. Now, none of this is the fault of a 20yearold college student, but you nonetheless are without a doubt a member of the worst period generation period ever period.
当然 这都不是你这个20岁大学生的错 但你却毋庸置疑 是史上最差劲的这一代人的典型
2. But it needs to happen before first period, not during first period.
但得在第一节课前 不能在课堂上吃
3. You've been in a period of suspended animation for a long period of time.
您在很长一段时间内都处于 假死状态
4. Period or exclamation point? I was gonna go period.
句号还是感叹号 我打算用句号
5. It's a mental illness, marked by periods of depression, and periods of elevated mood.
这是精神病 伴有周期性抑郁症 以及周期性狂躁症
6. So these crystals are viewed from atoms, which are placed in a periodic arrangement, in periodic patterns.
所以从原子角度观察 这些晶体 呈现出周期性排列 有周期性模式
7. As we emerge from a period of noble silence, we enter into a period of noble speech.
当我们从一段高贵的沉默中脱离开来 才能进入高贵的讲话时期
8. period of intense work when I was, for a long period, deeply detached or unhappy.
高强度工作的那段时间 那时有过长期的冷漠和痛苦
9. I am sure that you are qualified to help someone through this kind of distress over an extended period of time but you see we do not have an extended period of time.
我知道你是专业人士... 帮助人们通过一段时间来走出悲伤 但你知道 我们现在没有多余的时间了
10. Despite what you might think when you look at its period dashboard and its period sixcylinder twinspark engine, it was actually built a few weeks ago.
尽管你可能会有错觉 因为它装配的远古仪表盘 以及远古的六缸双火花塞引擎 其实这辆车是几个星期前才造出来的