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  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2024-12-29
  • 发布时间:2024-11-27 20:28:24


vt. 耕种(farm的过去式与过去分词形式)

v be a farmer; work as a farmer
v collect fees or profits
v cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques


1. This place is a farm, a battery farm.

这里就是个农场 是能量种植场

2. You're about as much of a farm girl as I'm a farm boy.

我跟你一样 跟农场不怎么沾边

3. I've made us a farm, a viable, sustainable, working farm.

我帮大家开了个农场 可以种菜种粮食的农场

4. It's currently on the farm, sitting, waiting for show when people come to the farm.

它现在在农场里 等着 向来农场参观的人们展示

5. Her dad sells farm equipment. I mean, big farm equipment.

她爸是销售农场设备的 卖的都是大型设备

6. The problem is there aren't 15 or 20 chains the way there was when it was dad's farm, when it was his dad's farm.

问题是当那农场还在 父亲手中时 没有几十家连锁店竞争

7. They said this was a community garden, not a community farm, but I told them the commercial egg farming industry is a mess.

他们说这是个社区花园 不是社区农场 但我跟他们说 商业鸡蛋养殖行业一团糟

8. But you employ fewer people and the profits now just go to a few owners of the farm, not to everybody who works on the farm.

但你现在雇的人更少 而且这些利润 都进了农场主的口袋 而并不惠及农场里的工人

9. This may look like a fairly typical farm there's grain over there, there are horses and cows and sheep, and it certainly ells like a real farm, but there's one animal here which I think shouldn't really exist.

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10. didn't know how to farm by ourselves.


