n. 粉蜡笔, 粉蜡笔画, 随笔
a. 彩色蜡笔的, 蜡笔画的, 柔和的, 纤弱的
n. any of various pale or light colors
s. lacking in body or vigor
s. delicate and pale in color
1. But the sourses don't look like pastel.
2. But, wait, now I'm thinking pastels for spring.
等等 我现在又在想柔和的春天风
3. The first thing they did is they always dressed in pastels.
他们首先就是 他们总穿浅色衣服
4. A season unlike any other, but don't be fooled by these glorious pastels.
一个与众不同的季节 但是可不要被 这个华丽的粉彩骗了哦
5. What we basically aiming to make is sort of insecticidal pastel.
但实际上我们要做的 就是驱虫的底料
6. That woman never met a pastel blazer she didn't like.
7. Some pastel buttondowns, sun visor, my novelty plate.
几件粉彩衬衫 遮阳板 我的小盘子
8. And I mean this in a strictly heterosexual way, but I love you in pastels.
我是说完全从异性恋的角度看 当然我还是很喜欢你穿粉色的
9. Whether you wear black and leather or pastels and silk, you're creating an inner version of yourself whether you realize it or not.
不管你是选择黑色皮革还是粉彩丝绸 你都是在创造一个内心中的自我 不管你有没有意识到
10. Sam creates her pictures using several layers of oil pastels and coloured inks and uses a scratching technique as well as fingers and thumbs.
山姆作画 采用 油性蜡笔与彩色墨水 层叠渲染 配以一种划刮的手法 有时也会用上手指