n. 卡通画, 漫画
v. 画漫画
n. a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine
n. a film made by photographing a series of cartoon drawings to give the illusion of movement when projected in rapid sequence
v. draw cartoons of
1. Picture in your mind a cartoon character, any cartoon character.
在脑海中想象一个动画角色 任何动画角色
2. Choice between a cartoon and a real movie, and my girl wants to see the cartoon.
卡通片和电影中抉择 我的女孩居然要看卡通片
3. I've seen all of your cartoons about me.
4. That was not a documentary. It was a cartoon.
那不是纪录片好吗 那是卡通片
5. I thought that was only in cartoons.
6. If you fall, it's not like in the cartoons.
如果摔下去 后果可不是动画片里那么简单
7. My cartoon's about a duck. I was drawing him.
漫画的主角是只鸭子 我画的正是他
8. Allison, it's a sport, not a cartoon.
艾莉森 这是比赛又不是动画片
9. It's like a cartoon for the grownups.