n. 履行, 结束, 完成, 实现, 满意, 称心
n. a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires
n. the act of consummating something (a desire or promise etc)
1. Saunders's wish fulfillment exercise didn't fulfill anything.
2. I just want to be at my designated fulfillment center at my allotted hour of fulfillment, like a normal person.
我只想在分配给我的行动期 出现在指定的行动中心 像个正常人一样
3. I didn't do this to fulfill some destiny.
4. Not at all. I'm here to fulfill a promise.
并非如此 我是来守诺的
5. He'll do the same to you, as soon as you fulfill a purpose for him.
对你也一样 一旦他利用完了你
6. But this project must be very fulfilling for you.
7. This is the ace of cups, it's about fulfillment.
这张是圣杯首牌 关于实现
8. But some will have all they wish fulfilled.
9. Because it's keeping you from fulfilling your potential.
因为它 你才不能充分施展才能
10. I'm trying to have a more fulfilling orga .
好吧 我是想让我的 更