vi. 走向岔道, 离题, 扯到枝节上
v. lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking
1. Anyways, I digress. It's a thing I do. I'm totally in.
我跑题了 我总这样 我完全同意
2. That wasn't one of the choices. I think that was a digression.
那根本不是候选方案 我觉得那离题了
3. I'm not allowed to sing my mother said that because I have this... I digress.
我是不能唱歌的 这是我妈说的 因为我有... 跑题了
4. Such as progress, to step forward or digress,to step backward.
比如Progress 向前迈步 Digress 向后退
5. It's just my mom is one of those people who constantly digresses.
但是我妈又是那种聊着聊着 就会扯到其他事上的人
6. A digression about the texture of your vomit was just the moodlightener that we needed.
关于你呕吐物质地的题外话 正是我们所需要的气氛调节
7. you know, I don't want to kinkshame anyone, but, um, I digress.
我不想重口味羞辱任何人 但 我扯远了
8. And sometimes when we're in the big, fat middle of putting away a bad guy, we have to be a little lenient with policy digressions.
有时为了将凶手绳之以法 我们需要容忍一些 打擦边球的行为
9. Meanwhile, two months later, the book still isn't finished, the cabin still has one room, still over an hour away from his kids, but we digress.
可是 两个月后 他的书还没写完 那个小木屋还是只有一个房间 还是离他的孩子们有一小时车程 但是 这离题了