n. 可怕(或可憎)的人或物,妖怪,精灵
n. an imaginary monster used to frighten children
1. It ain't the bogeyman you'll have to be worried about.
2. Maybe your bogeyman hurt his leg later.
3. I went psychotic. I actually saw the bogeyman.
我精神錯亂了 真的見到了夜魔
4. Legate is an elaborate fiction, a bogeyman I created.
莱盖特是一个精心设计的人物 我创造的一个怪物
5. I wanted to create a a modern day bogeyman.
我想创造一个 一个现代鬼怪
6. And for the hard rocks, he's the ghetto bogeyman of their nightmares.
对于那些坏蛋 他是他们噩梦中的贫民窟妖怪
7. My pimp told me there's a bogeyman out there thinning the zombie herd.
我的皮条客告诉我 有个妖怪在不断清除僵尸
8. Lieutenant, you said that you'd do whatever it takes to catch that bogeyman.
副隊長 你之前說過只要能抓住夜魔先生 你什么都愿意做
9. That's why it's always the women and not the men who fall victim to the bogeyman.
所以通常是女人成为怪物的牺牲品 而不是男人
10. Well, we weren't running ops for the bogeyman, at least not while I was still there.
至少我还在那边的时候 我们不为恶魔行动