adv. 生理学方面
r. of or relating to physiological processes; with respect to physiology
1. at all times to monitor your physiology.
And Dr. Beckett will remain on hand
2. It's an involuntary reflex in your physiology.
3. Although physiologically, not so far removed from this.
尽管从生理上来讲 跟这个差不多
4. We are tracking the same physiological data, as we would with any of the other participants.
与研究中的其他参与者一样 我们也记录了同样的生理数据
5. So we should see a physiological response quickly.
6. But what we're talking is medical, physiological, not criminal.
但我们谈是医学、 生理 而不是犯罪…
7. You can't reason with her because you can't reason with a physiological problem.
你没有办法和她理论的 因为你没有办法和生理缺陷理论
8. He is physiologically expunging all vestiges of his upiri .
9. It has no known effects on human physiology.
10. Cardiac response is identical, as are all other physiological responses.
心脏反应完全相同 其他生理反应也完全相同