[法] 抵押物, 典当物
v promise solemnly and formally
v pay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals
v propose a toast to
v give as a guarantee
v bind or secure by a pledge
1. ...where you pledged your loyalty to me.
2. Your lords have pledged themselves to him.
3. We pledged ourselves to a higher cause.
4. I would remind you, you are pledged to secrecy.
我要提醒你 你保证会保密的
5. do pledge that they work for me, sir.
可以证明他们为我工作 长官
6. I thought only the pledges wore them.
7. The deeds of your pledge are yours to share.
8. You promised. I made no such pledge.
你保证过的 我可没保证过
9. And when you returned, she was pledged to another.
你回来时 她已经另嫁他人了
10. As long as we pledge our loyalty to each other.