v. 把...分开, 分离, 游离, 分裂
v. to undergo a reversible or temporary breakdown of a molecule into simpler molecules or atoms
1. His devolution could be a dissociative break.
2. against their own individual impetuses to dissociate.
3. This dissociation between what's real and imagined.
4. Dissociative identity disorder having an episode.
分离性身份识别障碍 正在接受治疗
5. Explain to me what a dissociated cerebral action is.
跟我解释下 什么叫 式大脑活动
6. He was diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder.
7. I've studied all the journal articles on dissociation.
8. We think that's why you're having this dissociative breakdown in your memory, your awareness.
我们认为因此你才 出现记忆和意识的 性衰退
9. He's dissociating himself from the pain he knows we're going to inflict.
他在把自己从痛苦中抽离出来 他知道我们要让他吃点苦头了
10. But between the two, there's the perfect mix of pain and dissociation.
不过这两者之间 还是会有一个完美的平衡点 介于痛苦和置身事外之间