n. 妙语, 俏皮话
n a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
1. No one in the history of the criminal justice system has ever gotten off as a result of a wittici .
在刑事司法系统的历史上没有人 曾靠着花言巧语脱罪
2. And it does something else, that is quite hard to find sometimes amidst the selfconscious wittici s and poses and intellectuali of contemporary art, it does not hold its nose at the idea of beauty.
它的另一个特点 在大多数当代艺术忸怩的戏谑与姿态 和理智主义中显得与众不同 它并没有对美的概念嗤之以鼻