vi. 玩水, 拨弄, 涉猎
vt. 溅湿
v. dip a foot or hand briefly into a liquid
v. play in or as if in water, as of small children
v. work with in an amateurish manner
v. bob forward and under so as to feed off the bottom of a body of water
1. I'd rather not do it at all than...dabble.
我宁愿完全不碰 也不想浅尝辄止
2. But I also dabbled in some other professions.
同时 我也有涉足其他领域
3. I'm not sure I'd know how to dabble.
4. Which I am a part of, because I dabble in gadgetry myself.
我也有参与 我也喜欢发明些小东西
5. I'm bisexual, and I've been known to dabble.
我是双性恋 而且我也有涉猎的经历
6. And now you want me to dabble in suicide.
7. I may have dabbled in mimery in college.
8. I... I knew she, uh, dabbled in stuff.
9. Yeah, we think he might be dabbling.
是的 我们觉得他可能上瘾了
10. You know your culture. I dabble a bit.
你很了解你们的文化 略有涉猎