n. 气氛, 气味
[医] 先兆
n. a sensation (as of a cold breeze or bright light) that precedes the onset of certain disorders such as a migraine attack or epileptic seizure
n. an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint
1. But it did maintain an aura of mystique to where, at the beginning of last century, it was taken up by some to describe intentions of groups in other societies that were taking their name to have that in their societies as a level of hierarchy, and because it had its own aura of mystique to where they used it to attract membership.
但它确实于上世纪初期 保有神秘的风格 某些人利用它来描述 其他组织的意图 这些组织用了它的名 来冠自己组织名 也算是某种程度上的继承 而正因为它自己独有的神秘特质 他们才用它来吸引更多的成员
2. I was struck by the intensity of your aura.
3. It would explain that aura of protection.
4. I could cleanse your aura if you like.
如果需要 我可以清理你的气
5. But she was intended to have an aura of humanity about her.
但她被创作成 拥有一种人性的光辉
6. You have a chartreuse aura about you today.
7. This is who my mother is to me an aura that surrounds me.
那是我母亲 围绕着我的光环
8. No, it cleans your aura or some crap like that.
这是拿来净化你的灵气 或其他鬼东西的
9. There was an aura about them that just was something special.
10. That's my aura tends to fill a room.
这是我的气场 充盈整个房间