n. 旅居的人, 逗留的人
n. a temporary resident
1. But his sojourn into the desert made him impure.
2. Treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the natives among you, and you shall love him as yourself.
对待与你偶遇的陌生人 要同对待亲近之人一般 你要爱他们 如果爱你自己
3. I nearly forgot you'd met my bride during your sojourn from the castle with our young king.
我都快忘了你和小国王在外旅居的时候 见过我的新娘了
4. Your brief sojourn into my hellscape is but a flicker of my every waking day for so many years.
多年来 日子一天天过去 你到访我的监牢只有那么一瞬间
5. One of you went on a mysterious sojourn to a secret location for an unknown period of time.
你们中有人去了神秘之地进行神秘旅居 待了一段时间
6. And return safely with news that our long winter sojourn will soon lie behind us.
带着喜讯平安归来 终结这段漫长的冬日等待
7. It's baked into this banana bread and infused in this potent spreadable jam that's ideal for creative sojourns of a solitary nature.
它被烘焙成了香蕉面包 又被灌入了这个可以抹平的果酱之中 这对于孤独的创造者来说再理想不过了