n. 周刊, 周报
a. 每周的, 一周一次的, 周刊的
adv. 每周, 一周一次
n. a periodical that is published every week (or 52 issues per year)
s. of or occurring every seven days
1. Week in and week out, over and over again.
一周又一周 一次又一次
2. Exactly where we were last week and the week before that and the week before that.
跟上周 上上周 上上上周的情况一样
3. Week after week after week, they're in the exact same place.
一周接着一周 他们完全停在相同的位置
4. You've painted yourself, just like you did last week and the week before and the week before that.
你画了你自己 跟上周一样 还有上上周 和上上上周
5. A week with me, a week with her? I don't know.
一周跟我 一周跟她 我不知道
6. Same as the last week, same as the week before.
和上周一样 和上上周也一样
7. Once, three weeks ago, and then again a week after that.
第一次是三周前 第二次是两周前
8. Well, here's this week's do last week's.
很好 这周的任务就是 完成上周没完成的任务
9. You said that last week, the week before that.
你上周就说过 上上周也是
10. You know, she'd leave a week here, a week there.
她经常这周去一个地方 下周去另一个地方