adv. 可交换地, 可交替地, 可互换地
r. in an interchangeable manner
1. And this is my crimper with interchangeable plates.
这是我的卷发器 有可替换的金属板
2. Everyone is interchangeable, a means to an end.
每个人都是可以替换的 是为达终点的一种手段
3. A new institute for the study of this interchange.
4. Look who I found trolling for hookers by the interchange.
看看我在高速路上發現誰在 了
5. Names and titles are interchangeable and unimportant, I say.
名字不过是一个可以更换的代号 或者说 不重要的
6. Cellini has the genius crazy idea of making them interchangeably, androgynously beautiful.
切利尼天才般疯狂的想法让他们拥有 互相可交换的美
7. Lines between perception, desire, and reality may become blurred, redundant, or interchangeable.
各种感知 和现实之间的连线 可能会变得模糊 过多或可互换
8. Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first using them.
任何教材资料 凡是经任一种族使用 便应永续使用 而不可在不同肤色学校间互换
9. You know, the weird part about losing your mind is you end up working twice as hard asking yourself whether what you're seeing and hearing is actually happening, because what's real and what isn't seems totally interchangeable.
失去理智最奇怪的是 你会反复地 问自己 你的所见所闻 是否真的在发生 因为真与假之间 似乎完全可以互换