n. 海底, 海床
n the bottom of a sea or ocean
1. But sometimes, the seabed shoots to the surface.
但有时候 海床也会被 到海面
2. A strategically placed nuke on the seabed.
3. So the toxic seabed thing, it doesn't fly.
所以所谓的毒害海床 根本没这回事
4. Resting on a seabed in a hundred meters of water.
5. Some form of underwater explosive, tethered to the seabed.
某种水下爆破装置 栓在海床上
6. Using the seabed to scrub them off is a good start.
7. A cable connector here on the telescope on the seabed is jammed.
8. They use the seabed to help break the fish into aller pieces.
海豚们利用海床 把食物摔成小份以便进食
9. It appears a vast expanse of seabed has risen beneath us in the night.
似乎一 海床 一夜之间从我们下方升了起来
10. Or you can protect her, and we will depth charge you and your boat right into the seabed and recover the cargo ourselves.
或者你可以保护她 那么我们将投放深水炸弹让你 和你的潜艇沉入海底 然后我们再自己去取回货物