a. 适婚的
[医] 适合结婚的
s of girls or women who are eligible to marry
1. We are healthy, nubile, young women, and we just need to stay calm.
我们是健康的 性感的年轻女性 我们只需要保持冷静
2. Our most skilled guests will fight their ways to the outer limits of the park, besting fearsome braves, seducing nubile maidens, befriending tragically illfated sidekicks, and, of course, like all our best narratives over the years, our guests will have the privilege of getting to know the character they're most interested in themselves.
我们最在行的游客会一路打到 乐园的外围 打败可怕的印第安勇士 勾引迷人的少女 结交到注定命运多舛的同伴 并且 当然 像我们这些年来最棒的故事线一样 我们的游客将会幸运地 了解到他们最感兴趣的人 他们自己