n. 夹钳
vt. 夹紧, 强加
n. a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together
v. fasten or fix with a clamp
v. impose or inflict forcefully
1. the more I feel them judging, the more I clamp up.
我越觉得他们在评判我 我就越紧张
2. This is where the motor would normally be clamped on.
发动机平时会被 固定在这里
3. I'll find the bleeder and clamp it off.
我来找出血点 然后夹住它
4. That's why he wears a bag over the clamp.
5. It's too high. It's too high to clamp, too.
太靠上了 也没法用止血钳
6. Who clamped the kid who went up? I did.
谁给上楼的那个孩子夹的止血钳 我
7. her cigarette clamped in a curious holder.
8. Thank you. I'll hold the clamp, you tie.
谢谢 我拿钳子 你来打结
9. All we do is make an incision and clamp the bleeding.
我们只要切个口子 止血就好
10. We take the clamp off, he bleeds to death.
我们撤掉夹子 他就会失血过多而死